
Planting Seeds for Tomorrow

Taking Stock and Clearing Tabs- GWC March Newsletter

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

My goodness February disappeared like a shallow breath. I find as I get older that time moves faster and I can’t keep up. The last four weeks have been full of many wonderful changes for my family and it has definitely kept us on our toes. My parents have embarked on a new journey in their life, selling their home of 20 years. I am thankful that I get to be here to help them as they pack up their memories and create space to build new ones.

It hasn’t been without its challenges. Taking stock in the possessions that we acquire over a long period of time can be emotional. I am in awe with how much my parents have been able to detach from their belongings. In all honesty one of their many gifts is to know what matters and what can be set aside. As a minimalist, I have learned over the last five years to prioritize memories over things. I feel during big life changes prioritizing is the hardest part. Understand that those memories stay with us, even when the places/moments pass.

Through all of this excitement (and anxiety) I have also noticed my calendar being filled with busy work. Things that are important, but were adding to my emotional load. Finding myself exhausted two weeks in a row signaled me to pause. Realizing it was time to focus on productivity versus busy work, I promptly cleared my calendar of networking meetings, made a list of business tasks that were incomplete and a list of home tasks to accomplish.

Then I went to work.

This newsletter is one of the final two items on those lists and I feel not only a sense of accomplishment, but a sense of peace. When our nervous systems are always stimulated, keeping enough time for quality rest becomes a challenge. Small things can turn into big things because we are already on edge. I feel that in a world that moves so quickly, slowing down has become my new life goal. Maybe it will become yours;)

I hope this story of the last couple weeks has spurred on some contemplation of how you may want to prioritize things going on in your life, and how you can manage to clear those tabs, check off those boxes, and create space for new and beautiful things to come.

Coach Jen

Bright and Cheery Spring Salad

Spring is here and as the weather warms up our bodies long for some cool and crisp meals. Enjoy this seasonal salad with a herb filled dressing.


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Planting Seeds for Tomorrow

Grounded Wellness Coaching

Empowering you to to thrive through holistic wellness. Specializing in chronic illness support & low tox living. Subscribe to our newsletter where once a month you will get the low down on wellness topics hitting the news, low tox living, recipes and more. Check out the Products page for meal plans and other digital downloads. To book your complimentary Discovery Call click on the links tab. My journey into the wellness world began in university when I was studying Physical Education and human movement. Anatomy and Physiology were fascinating and started me on the path I am traveling today. In 2012 while I was teaching group fitness classes I noticed changes in my body. I lacked my usually energy levels, my muscles were shrinking while I was still lifting weights regularly, and I started reacting to food I never had before. I began the investigative journey which took me 8 years, 9 diagnosis and 2 surgeries to get to the root cause. I was gifted to be working with a homeopathic doctor who didn't know the word quit and I will be forever grateful for her dedication. During the journey I dove deep into the world of auto immune illness, the microbiome, toxic exposure and endocrine disputing chemicals. I wanted to do everything I could to feel better. I and rooted in my mission to be of service, and to help people cut through the noise when it comes to their health. It does not have to take years to feel your best, and together we can re program what wellness looks like for you. I believe that we should treat the individual as a whole and know that healing involves not only the physical but the emotional. Together we will plant the seeds for tomorrow! Coach Jen

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