
Planting Seeds for Tomorrow

Empowering you to to thrive through holistic wellness. Specializing in chronic illness support & low tox living. Subscribe to our newsletter where once a month you will get the low down on wellness topics hitting the news, low tox living, recipes and more. Check out the Products page for meal plans and other digital downloads. To book your complimentary Discovery Call click on the links tab. Together we will plant the seeds for tomorrow! Coach Jen

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Hack Your Health: A Review - GWC May Newsletter

I have always been a fan of a good documentary, specifically regarding health. With the recent publication of Netflix’s documentary, 'Hack your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut,' I was more than excited to see what they had to say. First, I had to create space and time so that I could fully immerse myself in the documentary. One thing I wanted to do for myself is not do any background research prior to watching it so I didn’t come in with a biased opinion. By the end I was left with a pleasant...

Oh my goodness there has been so much in the last month that’s been happening in the world of wellness. I couldn’t even imagine where to start so I’m gonna break it down to three topics for this newsletter. Recently a study was published citing findings saying that there was one significant root cause to the majority of health issues we are seeing today - no shock it was ultra processed food. So let’s first differentiate between the terms processed and ultra processed. Anything from picking...

My goodness February disappeared like a shallow breath. I find as I get older that time moves faster and I can’t keep up. The last four weeks have been full of many wonderful changes for my family and it has definitely kept us on our toes. My parents have embarked on a new journey in their life, selling their home of 20 years. I am thankful that I get to be here to help them as they pack up their memories and create space to build new ones. It hasn’t been without its challenges. Taking stock...

Love is in the air, or at least on the brain. In February we get bombarded with ideas of romance and gifts (maybe chocolate), and we can often lose track of our actual needs vs what society is telling us we should want. Like we must have a partner who showers us with affection for one day out the year and if that doesn't happen we are failing. Guess what, I'm here to tell you that is complete BS. Valentines day is a religious holiday in origins and had nothing to do with romance. Now we refer...

So its January and diet culture is running rampant. Every year we see companies set out to get you to buy into the quick fix via shaming language. This is where Body positivity comes into the picture. So what is body positivity? "Body positivity is a social movement and mindset that advocates for the acceptance and celebration of all body types, shapes, sizes, and appearances. It encourages individuals to embrace their bodies as they are and promotes the idea that everyone deserves respect...

Its officially time for holiday travel season! With my family split between Canada and the States we are often preparing to hit the sky to spend the season with each other. One of my biggest stress factors is the fear of getting a bug before or during the trip, and not having the energy to enjoy the festivities to their fullest. Over the years I have found out what works best for us (hubs included), and now I would like to share it with you in hopes it helps you stay germ free this year. 5...

Here we are again getting ourselves ready to celebrate the Holidays. For a lot of people this includes gathering with family and friends, attending social functions, and navigating how we are going to expend our energy. This will often included a myriad of traditions. My questions for you are: Are those traditions still working for you? Is it time to set new boundaries? How can you make the season fit your current needs? I am the middle child of 3 strong woman raised by parents who filled the...

Lets talk about these "What I eat in a day to lose X number of pounds" posts. Just the idea of it makes me cringe. These videos tend to shows someone displaying their food and flaunting their weight loss. Maybe these people are trying to help out in a way that they think is going to be beneficial for the people that are seeing their content. From my perspective what they are actually doing is continuing a very negative rhetoric that we need to fit into this one size fits all schematic of diet...

Anytime we go to eat or drink we are often confronted with artificial coloring. A lot of the time these dyes do not disclose to us what is actually in them because it's considered proprietary information. We see this on labels as natural coloring. Major manufacturers use this label as an umbrella to not disclose the endocrine disrupting chemicals in their products. How does that affect us? We could be exposing ourselves to a host of synthetic dyes that are linked to an array of health issues....

Since the explosion of coronavirus in 2020 we have seen massive growth in mental health awareness. Some of the most popular hashtags during 2020 were #mentalhealth & #selfcare. (I am excluding the sourdough trend.) The growing awareness of mental health issues highlighted our tendency to bury our emotions in order to make it through the day. During the lockdowns, a lot of people had more time available to be in their own headspace, and for some people they did not like that environment....