
Planting Seeds for Tomorrow

A Journey to Body Positivity

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

So its January and diet culture is running rampant. Every year we see companies set out to get you to buy into the quick fix via shaming language. This is where Body positivity comes into the picture.

So what is body positivity?

"Body positivity is a social movement and mindset that advocates for the acceptance and celebration of all body types, shapes, sizes, and appearances. It encourages individuals to embrace their bodies as they are and promotes the idea that everyone deserves respect and dignity, regardless of their physical appearance."

Here are key aspects of body positivity:

  1. Acceptance of Diverse Bodies: Body positivity celebrates the diversity of body shapes, sizes, and appearances. It challenges societal norms and beauty standards that often promote a narrow and unrealistic ideal of beauty.
  2. Promotion of Self-Love: Body positivity emphasizes the importance of self-love and self-acceptance. It encourages individuals to focus on their strengths, abilities, and unique qualities rather than fixating on perceived flaws or conforming to societal expectations.
  3. Rejecting Body Shaming: The movement actively opposes body shaming, which involves criticizing or making negative comments about someone's body. This includes both external judgments from others and internal negative self-talk.
  4. Inclusivity: Body positivity is inclusive of all genders, ages, ethnicities, abilities, and backgrounds. It aims to create a space where everyone feels valued and accepted, regardless of their physical appearance.
  5. Healthy Body Image: While body positivity promotes acceptance, it also recognizes the importance of health. However, it reframes the conversation by focusing on holistic well-being rather than solely on achieving a specific body size or shape.
  6. Media Representation: Body positivity advocates for more diverse and realistic representation in media, advertising, and popular culture. This includes featuring individuals of different sizes, shapes, and backgrounds in a positive light.
  7. Challenging Beauty Standards: The movement challenges conventional beauty standards that often perpetuate unrealistic ideals. It encourages a broader definition of beauty that goes beyond societal expectations.
  8. Empowerment: Body positivity empowers individuals to make choices that prioritize their well-being and happiness. This includes making choices based on personal comfort rather than conforming to external pressures.
  9. Intersectionality: Body positivity recognizes the intersectionality of identity and how various aspects of identity, such as race, gender, and ability, intersect with body image. It advocates for an understanding of how different forms of discrimination can impact body positivity.

Being body positive is not exclusive to wanting to improve, this is not an "or" question and can be and "and."

My personal journey has included realizing that my internal dialogue was so flawed that I needed to work on that first before shifting my focus to any physical health improvements. I see it with my clients when we connect the dots between our own self talk and how that manifest into other aspects of our wellness.

Loving yourself first allows you space to improve in a way that fits your needs in your time.

Here are 5 Body Positive Affirmation to fit into your day:

  1. I Am Worthy of Love and Respect: Affirming that your worth is not determined by your appearance, and you deserve love and respect just as you are.
  2. My Body Deserves Kindness and Care: Recognizing that your body is deserving of care, and making choices that prioritize its well-being rather than conforming to external pressures.
  3. I Embrace and Celebrate My Unique Beauty: Acknowledging and celebrating the unique qualities that make you who you are, recognizing that beauty comes in diverse forms.
  4. I Choose Self-Compassion Over Criticism: Opting for self-compassion and kindness in your inner dialogue, rejecting self-criticism and negative thoughts about your body.
  5. I Am More Than My Appearance: Affirming that your value extends beyond physical appearance, recognizing your strengths, abilities, and the qualities that make you a unique and valuable

Coach Jen

Butternut Squash Green Chile Chicken Soup

Eating seasonally has several benefits for both individuals and the environment. This included nutrient density, better flavor and cost effective.

What's in Season for January:

· Dark, leafy greens like kale and spinach

· Broccoli

· Cauliflower

· Brussels sprouts

· Lots of delicious citrus fruits

· Potatoes + sweet potatoes

· And plenty of winter squash


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Planting Seeds for Tomorrow

Grounded Wellness Coaching

Empowering you to to thrive through holistic wellness. Specializing in chronic illness support & low tox living. Subscribe to our newsletter where once a month you will get the low down on wellness topics hitting the news, low tox living, recipes and more. Check out the Products page for meal plans and other digital downloads. To book your complimentary Discovery Call click on the links tab. My journey into the wellness world began in university when I was studying Physical Education and human movement. Anatomy and Physiology were fascinating and started me on the path I am traveling today. In 2012 while I was teaching group fitness classes I noticed changes in my body. I lacked my usually energy levels, my muscles were shrinking while I was still lifting weights regularly, and I started reacting to food I never had before. I began the investigative journey which took me 8 years, 9 diagnosis and 2 surgeries to get to the root cause. I was gifted to be working with a homeopathic doctor who didn't know the word quit and I will be forever grateful for her dedication. During the journey I dove deep into the world of auto immune illness, the microbiome, toxic exposure and endocrine disputing chemicals. I wanted to do everything I could to feel better. I and rooted in my mission to be of service, and to help people cut through the noise when it comes to their health. It does not have to take years to feel your best, and together we can re program what wellness looks like for you. I believe that we should treat the individual as a whole and know that healing involves not only the physical but the emotional. Together we will plant the seeds for tomorrow! Coach Jen

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