Grounded in Community-GWC August Newsletter

I don’t know about you, but for the last 17 days, I have been glued to my TV watching the Olympics. It's one of my favorite events, not just because I love sports, but mostly because of how they make me feel: hopeful.

I love watching the athletes interact with each other. The support they give each other is a testament to what we can be as people. There were so many examples of community during the games this year that it's hard to single any out. However, two moments stood out to me, particularly one from the men’s pole vault. This young man from Sweden has been setting records all season, and although he had already won the gold medal, everyone was still cheering him on to set a new world record. He had set a world record in a meet just months before, so the anticipation was high. As he prepped for his jumps, you could see many of the top athletes gathered around the pit, eagerly watching. What I loved most was seeing the athletes he had just beaten standing behind him, clapping to get the crowd engaged, and cheering him on as he made his first, second, and final attempts. On his third attempt, he set a new world record, and the celebration began.

This story is a beautiful example of what community means and what it can be for everyone. Our community is made up of the people around us who lift us up, bring us joy, and support our goals. Over the last four years, a significant portion of the world lost their sense of community. COVID saw us isolated, politics has divided us, and violence keeps us scared and angry.

We don’t have to accept these things. It is within us to rebuild what community means. Whether it's with our family, chosen family, or close circle of friends, it feels like people are ready to rally behind hope rather than fear.

Happiness and peace come from connection. So, my question is, what does this look like for you?

As someone who isolated themselves for two years due to health concerns and healing, it took a massive toll on my mental health. For me, community means creating new opportunities to connect with the people already in my life who bring me joy. Part of that is heading home to Canada for a couple of weeks to spend time with my family and friends while my older sister moves into her new home. My sister and her husband bought a farm, so we’ll be together as a family during this exciting time. I'm also working on creating opportunities to share things that bring me joy, which is why I'm starting a cooking club with a small group of friends, with the intention to grow it once it's established. My new philosophy is if it doesn’t exist, I’m going to create it.

So once more, I pose the question: What is community going to look like for you?

Side note: I am excited to be part of a team putting on a challenge this September. For eight weeks, participants will have access to personal training, group training, one-on-one health coaching, group health coaching, yoga therapy sessions, and an online community where we can all come together. For $50 if you register early, and $65 if you’re a little slow to the game, you can access all of these things while getting exceptional coaching at a massive discount. So, if you’ve been hesitant to start your journey and just want to see what all of these things could feel like for you, this is a wonderful opportunity to join us—and maybe even win a little money.

Coach Jen

Back to School Lunch Ideas

Oh my goodness summer goes by quickly and I am not even a teacher anymore. If you are modelling healthy eating habit for your kids here are some great ideas for easy lunches to fill bellies and nourish the mind.


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Planting Seeds for Tomorrow

Empowering you to to thrive through holistic wellness. Specializing in chronic illness support & low tox living. Subscribe to our newsletter where once a month you will get the low down on wellness topics hitting the news, low tox living, recipes and more. Check out the Products page for meal plans and other digital downloads. To book your complimentary Discovery Call click on the links tab. Together we will plant the seeds for tomorrow! Coach Jen

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